
Build a data entry page in visual basic for excel
Build a data entry page in visual basic for excel

build a data entry page in visual basic for excel

Hidden TextBox (to store image path – for internal purpose only)Ĭommand Button – To browse and upload the image Hidden TextBox (to store row number – for internal purpose only) PictureSizeMode: 1-frmPictureSizeModeStretch PictureAlignment: 2-frmPictureAlignmentCenter Icon for Calendar in Date of Birth Text Box Width: 573 Frame1 – Frame1 and other controls properties Once you create controls with hidden text-boxes, set the Properties of Form and Controls as per below mentioned details. Details have been given in below mentioned properties. Please create both the text box anywhere in the form. Make sure we have utilized two hidden text-boxes to store row number and image path. Place all the Frames, Controls as per above image. Design the Data Entry form as per below imageģ.Support Step 5 – Design the Data Entry Form in Visual Basic Environment window Apply the formatting as per below image.Add the Course details in Column A with column header ‘Courses’.Rename the third worksheets to ‘Support’.Do the required formatting as per below image.Add the required columns in ‘Database’ worksheet.Rename the second worksheets to ‘Database’.Home Step 3 – Creating Database Sheet and Columns Format the sheets and add a Rounded Rectangle with caption as per below image.Save the Excel file with the Name ‘Student Registration Form.xlsm’.Please read this article carefully and follow the instructions to develop the Data Entry Form with Image. So in this article, a lot to know and a lot to cover. Sub Procedure to Edit and Delete the existing records.Sub Procedure to Submit or Transfer the Data from user-form to database sheet.Assign the path of uploaded pictures to Image Control.Procedure to upload the Passport Size Photo and Consolidate the pictures in folder.Function to Validate Email ID and Other Inputs done by User.Code to Reset and Initialize the User Form.Design Form and assign properties to all controls.Create Home, Database and Support Sheet.

build a data entry page in visual basic for excel

Once you complete this article, you will be able to develop a data entry application with all required features. Student’s registration form is just taken as example to develop the data entry form. With Excel VBA you can create a user form to to automate the data entry task using what is called a macro. This article is primarily focused on developing an Automated Student’s Registration applications using the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language.

Build a data entry page in visual basic for excel